Nasdrovia is above all a quality neighborhood bar, heir to various popular bars.

We believe in a fairer, more thoughtful, and above all independent world of spirits and bars. For us, no deals with major companies. We deprive local artisans, or not, depending on their products but also on their work ethic and the traceability of their production.
Peace, Love & Spirits
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We seek every day to improve, to seek further the perfect symbiosis between the bar of yesterday and that of tomorrow, between gastronomy and shakers, between modernity and our heritage, between our ecological convictions and our desire to travel liquids.
We place particular importance on hospitality.
Find our menu here

Our wines and spirits are carefully selected according to ethical and taste criteria. We know and regularly visit the majority of our suppliers. The vast majority of our “pour” products are French.
This bar is for anyone, beginner or amateur. We are informed, and we are happy to discuss our products and productions.
Nasdrovia, for “health” in slang, could have been called Salud, Cheers or Kampai.

A birthday? A thesis? An event?
Privatize your space.
Information by email
2 rue maletache
Monday>Friday 7 p.m.-2 a.m.
Saturday 7 p.m.-3 a.m.
06 78 85 03 67 | nasdrovia.tolosa@gmail.com